Incredible Story: After Missing for Seven Years, Dog Gets Reunited with Mom

“Seven years ago, Starsky and his brother went missing from Fauquier. Yesterday, Starsky was found in Spotsylvania and brought to our shelter, and because of a microchip, we were able to contact his family who had long ago assumed he had passed away. So many happy tears, and a little bit of renewed hope that maybe one day Hutch will find his way back home as well. This is why we preach about microchipping and never giving up hope. We are so thrilled that his family has been reunited and that we were able to play a small part in that,” posted by Spotsylvania on Facebook.

Photo: Facebook/Spotsylvania Animal Shelter

It was a very emotional moment for Starky’s owner and family to find out that the dog was still alive! Seven years was such a long time, and anyone would have thought that the dogs were gone forever.

But Spotsylvania Animal Shelter has helped another family again to be happy and thankful about this latest blessing. Losing a pet could be so heartbreaking, with the grief lasting for many years. Now, their hope gets rekindled that Starky’s brother could also be found.

Just as the shelter emphasizes the importance of microchipping, the American Kennel Club (AKC) advises every dog owner to have their pets microchipped. According to AKC Reunite, “Pets with microchips are up to 20 times more likely to be reunited with their owners.”

No, a microchip is not the same as a GPS tracking device. The latter can help in locating a lost dog, but this device can get lost just like a collar or a leash. On the other hand, a microchip cannot help in tracking a lost dog’s location, but the information it contains can help anyone, any shelter or vet clinic, to identify a lost dog and contact its owner.

Photo: YouTube/American Kennel Club

However, a dog owner must also remember that the microchip must be registered in a national pet recovery database such as AKC Reunite. All relevant contact information must also be filled in, and it’s a big advantage if you can include both landline and mobile phones. It will make it easier for the finder to contact you.

It was indeed a great thing that his owner had Starsky microchipped. Now, their family is more complete. And who knows if Hutch, his brother, would also come back home!

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